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Download Usenet Binaries

Newsreaders are complicated and require management to be efficient. Techlogic’s TLNews 2.0 answer to that statement is: “To hell with it, it's supposed to be simple!”

TLNews 2.0 was built to avoid management and complex setup. It was design by Usenet users and for Usenet users who download a lot.

Stop wasting time managing your software. There's so much content to enjoy on Usenet you don't need that hassle! You can now spend your time choosing what you want to download.

How easy is it really? Do you have a NZB file? Open it and click start, it's THAT easy!

TLNews Tip of the Day: Downloading headers from multiple newsgroups in one operation.

TLNews makes downloading headers from newsgroups easy, but what you may not know is that it is just as easy to download headers from several newsgroups, in one single operation.

Start by selecting all newsgroups you want to download headers from using the mouse and the control or shift key to make your selection. Then, open the context menu by clicking on the right mouse button anywhere on the list of newsgroups. From this menu, you can tell TLNews to download headers for the selected newsgroups using one of four methods. A fifth method is also available, “Get a Range of headers […]”, but it is only available when a single newsgroup is selected.

Once you choose how you want to download headers, TLNews will use that method to download from all the newsgroups you selected. When the download completes, all headers are saved in a single file and available from the “Downloaded Headers” pane of the Headers Manager tab. You can then double-click on that file to view all headers in a single list.

Downloading from multiple newsgroups is a quick and easy way to retrieve large quantities of headers from several newsgroups without selecting them one by one.

Happy downloading!