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Download Usenet Binaries

Newsreaders are complicated and require management to be efficient. Techlogic’s TLNews 2.0 answer to that statement is: “To hell with it, it's supposed to be simple!”

TLNews 2.0 was built to avoid management and complex setup. It was design by Usenet users and for Usenet users who download a lot.

Stop wasting time managing your software. There's so much content to enjoy on Usenet you don't need that hassle! You can now spend your time choosing what you want to download.

How easy is it really? Do you have a NZB file? Open it and click start, it's THAT easy!

TLNews 2.0 new version and what set it apart of Newsbin, Newsleecher and Forte Agent

For this version of TLNews 2.0 we’ve redesigned the user interface. A lot of dead code from the previous versions was removed. The overhaul of this version was made accordingly to the comment and suggestion of our users.

Before proceeding to the conception of this second version, we defined for whom was destined the software.

  • The profile of our users is a person who has a premium Usenet service provider such as Giganews, Supernews or Astraweb etc.

  • The user also user a Usenet search tool such as Binsearch.info and create and import NZB file to make his download.

  • This user would download massively.

  • Since the user base of the Usenet keep on growing rapidly in the past years, new user aren’t keen to learn the management that require some other newsreader.

These were some of the highlight of the profile of our targeted user.

This version is tightly focused on the binaries transfer. All improvement were made to improve file transfer and getting to the newsgroup stuff as quickly as possible. We are especially happy of our method of accessing the groups. All header,news header (since your last visit), Range (you select a range based on the message id or by date).

To reade more about the improvement you can visit: http://forums.tlnewsreader.com/index.php and sign up to the forum to read more and chat with us! We like and need your comments.

Forte Agent belong to the past!

Downloading headers from newsgroups is a crucial part of the binary experience, and TLNews has unique features that no other newsreaders have. With TLNews, you have a better view of what is available in newsgroups and more control when you download from them.

Some of today's most popular binary newsgroups have more than 100 million messages in them. When you are about to download headers it is therefore important to know how many you will actually get before starting. TLNews displays both the total number of messages in the newsgroups, plus the number of new ones since your last visit so you know what to expect.

Displaying the total number of messages in newsgroups might seem like an obvious feature for any newsreader and especially for those meant to download files. Nevertheless, it's missing from several of them including Forte Agent.

Most newsreaders will only let you download all, new or a sample of the headers available in a newsgroup. TLNews gives you two new methods: download a percentage of available headers and download headers using a range.

Downloading using a range is extremely useful for dealing with massive newsgroups. First, choose a range by specifying the first and last headers from all those available in a newsgroup. TLNews will then download those that fall within that range and skip all the rest, saving you hours of downloads. The date of both the first and last header in the range is also displayed to show you how many days worth of headers you are getting.
TLNews range download feature is extremely useful and will save you hours of downloading. It might also save you money if you subscribe to a pay-per-byte service or have a monthly download limit.

Importing Nzb files with TLNews is easier than with Forte Agent
Nzb files greatly simplify downloading from Usenet by providing all the information required to download a set of files without the need to download any headers first. Nzb files will save you tons of bandwidth and time.

TLNews fully supports Nzb files and makes using them easier than any other newsreader. To import an Nzb file simply select "Import Nzb file" from the main menu, drop the file(s) on TLNews or double-click on them in Windows Explorer. TLNews will automatically import the file and open it in a new download tab. All you have to do next is customize the connections if needed, set the directory to save the files into and click start.

Text-based newsreaders such as Forte Agent will usually download messages to their database first and then save them to disk. This extra work means you will have to manually cleanup the database after files have been downloaded or set schemes and properties on folders and newsgroups.

With TLNews, you don't have to worry about any of that. TLNews downloads files directly to the directory you specify, so there is no in-between mess cluttering your hard-drive that you need to clean-up.

Another nice feature that is missing from other newsreaders, including Forte Agent, is automatic detection of Nzb files when reading messages. Whenever you read a message that contains an Nzb attachment, TLNews will let you directly import that file into a download tab. With any other newsreader, you would first have to save that file to disk and then import it back.

Newsbin and Newsleecher share the same problems.
They both develop a software that lack focus and try to be all things to all people. Like every hybrid, no body get’s its money’s worth. Like one for Newsleecher user put it , they add the function in a confusing way I end up always using the same 3 buttons.

Newsleecher developed a subscription base system. You rent the license for a year, and they release a massive amount of update that don’t improve the software at all but only change the encryption algorithm, their user are getting tired of having to pay the price of their paranoia.